New Zealand Asparagus

Like the produce of its neighbour Australia, New Zealand Asparagus is available when Northern Hemisphere crops are becoming dormant. The season is short from September to December with the season starting mid September building up to full production then dwindling away during December.

How Much is Grown

The amount of asparagus grown in New Zealand does not make it a major player in the world market. However around half of its produce is exported or processed with the rest going to its home market.

What Type of Asparagus is Grown?

Very little white asparagus is grown but some purple is grown as well as the more common green varieties. The purple varieties are sweeter and good eaten raw with salads. A common purple variety grown here is Pacific Purple.

What Areas of New Zealand Grow Asparagus

Asparagus is grown in the south of the North Island and in the Canterbury area of the South Island.

The South Island has its own growers assoication SIAGA the South Isalnd Asparagus Growers Association. This assoication is encouraging the planting of more asparagus in the Canterbury area where there is pleanty of suitable land. The council state that the cooler climate on the South Island leads to a slower growth of spears which leads to a great taste.

The SIAGA web site suggests that asparagus can be bought from the farm gate with payment often via an honesty box system. Now there's a good old fashioned idea! Long may it last.....

Fancy Trying One of Our Favourite Recipes?

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Recipe Page

Gus enjoying Asparagus SeasonGus enjoying Asparagus Season

The easiest way to cook Asparagus!

All you need is a microwave a plastic Fish / Veg. Steamer and and our instructions.

Asparagus ready to cook in the microwave

Take look at some of our Interesting and Popular Pages

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Blanching Asparagus

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Growing Asparagus

Asparagus on the Grill Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus Store at Festival Asparagus Festivals

If you want the

Basics of how to cook fresh asparagus

start by looking at How to Cook Asparagus first for some background information on a range of cooking methods.

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