Asparagus Frittata Recipe

Before you read our asparagus frittata recipe some of you might be wondering the differences between and an omelette and a frittata :

  • A frittata will always have an added ingredient such as a vegetable, meat or similar and this added ingredient will be added whilst the eggs are still raw rather than being added after the bulk of the cooking has taken place.
  • The eggs will be beaten or whisked hard prior to cooking to incorporate a lot of air and ensure a light mixture once cooked
  • The frittata is not folded, the mix might be cooked on the hob and then finished off under a grill or baked in an oven

In addition the finished product will usually be cut into slices and served to a number of people rather than being cooked and eaten as a whole for one serving.

Asparagus Frittata Recipe

With this asparagus frittata recipe its all about the asparagus rather than the eggs. I cooked it in quite a small frying pan so that the asparagus was stacked high before the egg went in raw over the spears. This gives a high density of asparagus with a nice light egg mix around it. It also makes it deep enough to slice and eat with your fingers from a lunch box once cold.

As always fresh herbs will give a better flavour but I know its sometimes easier to reach for the dried herb jar and this will give a good flavour too.

I think the easiest way to pre-cook the asparagus is fry it in the pan you are going to make the frittata in for less washing up!!


400g asparagus

4 eggs

fresh basil

salt & pepper

dried mixed herbs


  1. Snap the ends off the asparagus and discard (or use for soup), fry, grill or steam the asparagus by your favourite method but cook slightly less than would be usual as the asparagus will continue to cook in the egg mix.
  2. Place the olive oil in a frying pan (ideally cast iron so that it can be placed under the grill or in the oven for finishing) and heat
  3. Break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and pepper and whisk vigorously
  4. Add the cooked asparagus to frying pan (unless you fried them and they are already there) then pour the whisked eggs over the vegetables in the preheated frying pan
  5. Add a few chopped fresh basil leaves and / or some fresh(ideal) or dried other fresh herbs plus some salt and pepper to taste
  6. Return to a low heat and leave to cook slowly for 8 – 10 minutes
  7. Remove from the heat and place under a pre-heated grill or in a pre-heated oven to finish cooking the top of the frittata
  8. Cut into slices and serve hot or cold with a seasonal salad

This is a really great lunch time snack to pop in a lunch box.

Having just made this and tasted it again I don’t see why you would want to make it any more complex. The asparagus flavour comes over so well you don’t need anything else but if you do fancy a change you could try one of these variations:

  • Grate some cheese on top before finishing under the grill

  • Add some chopped courgettes or chopped mushrooms

Cooking Time: 10mins  
Prep Time:        8mins
Serves:              2-4

Asparagus on Farm Shop Sign

Where to Buy Asparagus and what to look for

Different Varieties of Asparagus

Asparagus Varieties

Freshly cut Asparagus

Asparagus Season

Snapping the Ends off Asparagus

Basic Preparation of Asparagus

Equipment for Cooking Asparagus

Equipment for Cooking Asparagus

Freshly Harvested Asparagus

When and How to Harvest Asparagus

  • Dust sliced tomatoes with fresh finely chopped herbs, brush with olive oil and grill. Add the tomatoes as a side dish with the asparagus frittata

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