Wisconsin , US

Wild Asparagus

Wild Asparagus

I used to go "asparagus hunting with my Mom when I was growing up.
And to make a long story short I now have taught my 4 kids (the youngest is 3) where to find the wild asparagus and what it looks like, we have great adventures doing it.

We say " It's so lovely to hear stories like this from people we've never met. Thank you for sending us your picture and short story Jamie"

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Montenegro, Greece

by Spencer

Wild Asparagus

Wild Asparagus

I was picking wild Asparagus yesterday (March 31st) in Montenegro (Balkan region, E. Europe). I have been looking for information on a similar look-alike found the the same habitat as the wild asparagus, often growing directly next to it.

See two photos uploaded. The first is of wild asparagus, the second is of the look-alike. Any ID suggestions?

I will upload more photos on www.anthropogen.com. Thank you for this fantastic and informative site...

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Tropic, Utah, USA

Mid-April you will find this wonderful vegetable in grassy areas between the highway and a farmers field along the fence.

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All over the northwest suburbs of Illinois....

by Judi

Since I have learned about wild asparagus, I have been on the search for the plants. It is now the tail end of summer and I have a pretty long list of where I've seen the plants that are seeding. They are all over! I only hope that when spring comes, I won't be too late!

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South Junction Manitoba Canada

My wife and i bought a acerage here in June 2012. While out mowing the lawn I was making a pass along a hedge line that runs the length of our property I noticed the plants about ten in all. Right now the plants have red berris on them August 2012 . As we are retired now and fine a little time to go quading we have found more plants in the ditch lines along the secondary roads i would like to transplant some of plants this fall , i'm not sure how long it takes to get patch to produce ,so no better time then now ,as we have just opened a bnb this would a great addition to our spring menu.The ditchs are loaded with ferns just perfect for fiddleheads next spring . Here's a dish to think about this winter, fresh asparagus spears ,fiddleheads,with wild rice,mushroom stuffed chicken breasts

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Wild Asparagus - very near our country home

by Bev
(Central United States)

We have a friend who harvested wild asparagus for years. He would mark his various patches with a small bit of litter, smashed and buried beneath weeds so only he would think to look for it.
Our friend began to have bad knees and could no longer keep his patches up to encourage their spring production, so he handed down the location of an easily seen patch near our home.
It was great entertainment to enjoy the brief walk there, and be careful not to be seen by any other interested parties.
Since, we've planted our own patch.
Thanks for asking!

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Mar 05, 2016
Wild Asparagus Stories
by: Susan

Its lovely to hear people's stories about their wild asparagus finds. Thank you everyone.

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Wild Asparagus in Winnipeg, Manitoba

by Trysta

I was walking with my preschool class when we decided to play in the ditch by the train tracks and found some wild roses so I explained to them that they were edible then I looked over and saw the ferns of the asparagus with the small green berries got excited now I can show them come next spring!!!

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May 17, 2024
What part of Winnipeg. There are ditches and tracks NEW
by: Anonymous

What part of winnipeg did you find this. I am in the east side of winnipeg. Haven't found any yet

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Wild Asparagus in Ontario - Canada

by Eugene
(Windsor Ontario)

I have several spots here in my home town of Windsor. The spears are all so different. Some are green and straight and 14 inches long and some are purple and twisted like a corkscrew. There is no comparison to wild asparagus. Great with an Ontario Top serloin and a cold lager.

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May 07, 2020
by: Anonymous

Looking to find a field guide for forging, wild asparagus, ramps and fiddleheads in the Essex County area/Windsor Ontario Canada. Willing to pay $20 an hour.

May 26, 2016
Would love to learn!! NEW
by: Haniyya

PLEASE could you share with your fellow Windsorite where to find this wild asparagus?!! I remember seeing people on the side of the road when I was a kid, but have no idea where to look now!


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Lefke, North Cyprus.

by Penelope
(Lefke, North Cyprus)

The hills around our village are full of wild asparagus in the winter and spring months, young boys go up in the early morning and come back laden with it a couple of hours later to sell on the streets.

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Gus enjoying Asparagus SeasonGus enjoying Asparagus Season

The easiest way to cook Asparagus!

All you need is a microwave a plastic Fish / Veg. Steamer and and our instructions.

Asparagus ready to cook in the microwave

Take look at some of our Interesting and Popular Pages

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Blanching Asparagus

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Asparagus on the Grill Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus Store at Festival Asparagus Festivals

If you want the

Basics of how to cook fresh asparagus

start by looking at How to Cook Asparagus first for some background information on a range of cooking methods.

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